Beam lifting yoke: Safe & Smart - Kimua Group: Onshore-Offshore Wind Power, Railway, Marine Energies, Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Big Machinery, Science.


Beam lifting yoke: Safe & Smart.

Once more, Kimua makes available a safe & smart solution that adapts to your needs and to the objective of improving safety and efficiency of cargo handling operations.

Kimua am Lifting Yoke
Kimua am Lifting Yoke
Kimua am Lifting Yoke

Despite cargo handling operations are usually not prioritized in many industries, the truth is that they may impact a Company’s profit if when not carried out properly; additionally, to be able to perform these activities in a safe manner, the use of the appropriate technology could allow reducing to cero the probability of accidents in your company.

For these reasons, and because there is always a gap for improvement and optimization, a good way to add value to cargo handling operations is to use this smart lifting yoke; it helps reducing wastefulness along the production chain, optimizing the use of working areas, reducing operation times and improving security.

Kimua offers specific comprehensive training programs for this Beam Lifting Yoke; it is a simulator-based training course that addresses the student’s training-needs with respect to knowledge, skills, and abilities in the use of this tool.

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    Tilt loading shovels for manipulating different types of steel bars, sheets and other laminated formats.

    Friendly handling even in standard configuration.

    Allows optimizing working space and expediting truck-loading operations.

    Avoids the use of magnets and the need of having someone close to the load.

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