We design tools for handling and transporting large components - Kimua


We design tools for handling and transporting large components

Developing industrially complex infrastructure projects always brings a wide variety of challenges. And handling and transporting large components is one of the most delicate. All the various components must be handled with precision, effectiveness and careful use of resources, above all, in terms of time, efficiency and safety. Properly designing tools for transporting heavy loads and for handling in complex locations, such as those in the railway sector or the energy sector with wind farms, can ultimately lead to either the success or failure of a project.

transporting large components

To succeed, knowing how to transport heavy components appropriately is a differential factor for the strategic partners working with the stakeholders involved in this type of development. Being able to fully rely on qualified professionals, scrupulously well-designed tools and proven specialist experience are all essential for a heavy component transport and handling company like Kimua. Given our firm commitment to all things innovation and environmental awareness, Kimua’s solutions used in railway and wind facilities – both onshore and offshore – are always safe and carefully adapted to the needs of each and every scenario.


Specialist engineering solutions for handling and transporting heavy components and for heavy lift

Our team of engineers is highly qualified with extensive experience in the field of lifting and transporting large goods. It’s thanks to this background, along with our comprehensive knowledge of how best to adapt to the real needs and challenges that can arise across various facilities, that we’re able to design, calculate in detail and carry out precise simulations – with the help of our ANSYS system – of every possible situation. This means delicate transport and handling tasks are guaranteed to respond to the specific requirements of every customer, always with safety and profitability within budgetary constraints firmly in mind. And that’s before even starting the manufacturing process of the required heavy lift and transport tools. 


Traceable design tailored to current standards

In this type of market, specifications in terms of quality and safety for the elements involved in handling and transporting heavy components are extremely precise and strict. For that very reason, all the products we design comply with Community Directive 2006/42/CE and EN 13155 Standard, as well as ASME Standards and other specialist regulations, such as DNV and IMO. Designing and simulating the real behaviour of our clients’ heavy load handling and transport solutions in advance guarantees robust, ergonomic and safe work processes every step of the way.

Likewise, the entire process is traceable from start to finish, including manufacturing and designing the solution. In this way, we’re able to offer detailed project tracking and follow-up, from the initial request for quotation all the way through to delivery of the final product and subsequent invoicing. All our designs and tools are delivered certified and meet the strictest specifications in terms of quality and safety that the market demands.

Knowing how to handle and transport heavy loads doesn’t have to be an insurmountable obstacle when you turn to the right professionals who are experts on the matter, trained and experienced in all processes and requirements involved in the task. We provide reliable designs tailored to the needs of every sector – rail, sea and wind – with tested, solid, manageable and environmentally-friendly tools.

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