Given the wide variety of options and requirements when handling heavy loads across the rail sector, at Kimua, we design and manufacture modern loading equipment and lifting spreaders, all specially adapted to the needs of the modern business. Here, we’ll show you just some of the advantages that custom designed lifting tools can offer, as well as the various tools and options available for moving heavy loads, such as train carriages.
Spreader bars commonly have two anchor points through which they distribute the weight of a load. They’re usually telescopic length ways in order to adapt to the dimensions of a given load.
Our engineers have designed lifting spreaders so that they not only support the tons involved in moving railway carriages, but also so that the anchor points are oriented in such a way as to concentrate most of the weight along the bar, making the set behave like a large column.
At the same time, the beam spreaders differ slightly from the bars, since they now have an anchor point at the top and multiple points at the bottom. This design has plenty of advantages – firstly, distributing the load across a greater number of anchor points and, secondly, introducing a single upper hook, meaning cranes don’t need too much space for rigging, ideal when operating in tight spaces with limited head room.
Our continuous development in tooling design means we can produce reliable solutions at effective costs for all scenarios, whether simple lifts or complex shifting of rail loads.
At Kimua, we specialise in adapting to the needs of every one of our customers – and we have since the very beginning – both in terms of capacity, accessories, load lifting and tooling design, as well as safety and quality standards. This all translates into fantastic results when handling railway loads.
One of the challenges we’ve faced at Kimua has been designing, manufacturing and testing spreaders that could be used on high-speed train production lines. Our tools need to lift and move train carriages between several lines, all having been redesigned or modified to meet the specific needs of every client.
The results offer guaranteed excellent performance of load lifting equipment with an extended service life and low maintenance requirements, all capable of satisfying every need for lifting heavy loads in the rail sector.
Kimua Group “rail Live 2020” Kongresu birtualera konektatuko da abenduaren 1ean eta 2an, tren sektoreko aktore garrantzitsuenak bilduko dituen nazioarteko ekitaldira. Topaketa Madrilen bertan egitekoa bazen ere, Covid-19ren pandemiak eragindako egoera dela eta, telematikoki egingo da. Horrela, ugaritu egiten dira kongresu arrakastatsu bat antolatzeko aukerak, tren sektoreko enpresa garrantzitsuenak (nazionalak zein nazioartekoak) elkartzeko. Rail Live […]
Kimuak bat egingo du Wind Energy Hamburg 2020 topaketa digitalarekin, 2020ko abenduaren 1etik 4ra bitartean. Egun horietan, azoka % 100 digitalean egingo da Covid-19ren ondorioz, eta funtsezko topagune izango da sektore eolikoko enpresentzat. Wind Energy 2020 bi urtean behin egiten den azoka da, eta sektore eoliko eta energetikoko nazioarteko adituen arteko hitzaldiak eta eztabaidak eragiten […]
Developing industrially complex infrastructure projects always brings a wide variety of challenges. And handling and transporting large components is one of the most delicate. All the various components must be handled with precision, effectiveness and careful use of resources, above all, in terms of time, efficiency and safety. Properly designing tools for transporting heavy loads […]