Renewable Energies are rooted deep inside Kimua’s DNA and Marine Energy Industry is not an exception.
We have been following this industry for a long time, celebrating the achievements it has made so far and supporting it until the commercialisation stage it has finally reached.
For all these reasons and also because we believe that even today there is still a long way to go, Kimua has decided to accompany its clients during the biggest event of the year, the ICOE 2018 exhibition to be held in Cherbourg (France) next week, from June 12 to 14 of 2018.
For this edition of the show we’d like to invite you to pass by our booth CD304; we look forward to seeing you there.
Kimua Group “rail Live 2020” Kongresu birtualera konektatuko da abenduaren 1ean eta 2an, tren sektoreko aktore garrantzitsuenak bilduko dituen nazioarteko ekitaldira. Topaketa Madrilen bertan egitekoa bazen ere, Covid-19ren pandemiak eragindako egoera dela eta, telematikoki egingo da. Horrela, ugaritu egiten dira kongresu arrakastatsu bat antolatzeko aukerak, tren sektoreko enpresa garrantzitsuenak (nazionalak zein nazioartekoak) elkartzeko. Rail Live […]
Kimuak bat egingo du Wind Energy Hamburg 2020 topaketa digitalarekin, 2020ko abenduaren 1etik 4ra bitartean. Egun horietan, azoka % 100 digitalean egingo da Covid-19ren ondorioz, eta funtsezko topagune izango da sektore eolikoko enpresentzat. Wind Energy 2020 bi urtean behin egiten den azoka da, eta sektore eoliko eta energetikoko nazioarteko adituen arteko hitzaldiak eta eztabaidak eragiten […]
Developing industrially complex infrastructure projects always brings a wide variety of challenges. And handling and transporting large components is one of the most delicate. All the various components must be handled with precision, effectiveness and careful use of resources, above all, in terms of time, efficiency and safety. Properly designing tools for transporting heavy loads […]