Kimua Group takes part in an EU rail industry R&D programme - Kimua


Kimua Group takes part in an EU rail industry R&D programme

The rail industry is vitally important for the economic development of any country or region. Acutely aware of this, the European Union have funded a knowledge exchange programme with an international focus to help leading companies from the rail sectors of Member States travel to Japan, one of the world’s most recognised leading countries in terms of rail travel.

eugateway japan

The initiative is called the EU Gateway to Japan International Fair 2019. Thanks to this programme, up to forty European companies will travel to the country of the rising sun between 26 and 29 November in order to share customised solutions with Japanese business representatives on the most pressing rail industry needs in their home countries.

Kimua Group, as the leading Spanish products and services R&D company for the rail sector, will represent European industry and be one of the organisations to take part in the Mass Trans Innovation Japan event. Participating companies will have the opportunity to meet with specific groups of partners and potential customers over the course of an entire week, including commercial exhibitions and networking events.


The biggest rail sector event in the world

The Mass Trans Innovation Japan event expects to welcome more than 30,000 visitors, setting itself apart as one of the sector’s biggest globally, despite only being held once every two years. It will serve as a meeting point for railway companies and operators, rolling stock manufacturers, researchers and developers in the field of technology alike. As well as manufacturers and suppliers of the products used by the rail industry, the event will also host experts in security and information systems, engineers and construction companies, commercial agents, administrations, local authorities and ministries, associations and institutions.


A big opportunity for companies in the Spanish rail industry

The EUGateway to Japan International Fair 2019 is coming at a key economic moment, both for Member States of the European Union and for Japan. Last February, both parties signed an agreement to create one of the largest free trade areas in the world, the Free Trade Agreement between Japan and the EU. Since then, in last September, they also signed a cooperation agreement on sustainable connectivity and infrastructure. With this in place, it’s now possible to coordinate transport, energy and digital projects to further strengthen ties between Europe and Asia.

It is in this context that an incredible opportunity for expansion and investment, the Mass Trans Innovation Japan Exhibition, has developed. For Spanish rail industry bodies, it’s a great way of analysing some of the key features of the Japanese market, as well as their needs and future challenges.

Over the course of the week, which holds incredible strategic importance for the industry, Kimua Group will join an important delegation of key stakeholders in infrastructure and transport to put forward an alternative to their Japanese counterparts. They’ll also take the opportunity to initiate and strengthen a range of contacts, alliances and projects.

rail industry R&D

Given the geographic, economic and social characteristics of Japan, investments in the railway industry will be a key focus. As a result, taking part in this business delegation will involve a range of possibilities for potential strategic partnerships and could represent a turning point in business relationships and corporate opportunities on both sides of the continent.

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