Wind energy is set to meet the needs of a quarter of Europe by 2030. As such, it represents one of the core strengths of the global energy market for the European Union and will continue to do so for a very long time indeed. In fact, 44% of new power stations opened across the continent over the last year were wind. Currently, wind covers 11% of the electricity demands of the twenty-eight member states.
Aware of the strategic importance of the sector, key stakeholders from across the industry will come together on 25 November as part of the WindEurope 2019 Exhibition in Copenhagen. And Kimua Group will play a leading role. Part of the Basque Energy Cluster and showcasing our key areas of innovation within the market from our own stand, we will be there to demonstrate our ultralight ARIN lifting boxes.
Nobody can deny that wind energy is the cheapest and most effective way of generating energy today. The figures and competitiveness of the market speak for themselves – wind represents more than 300,000 jobs across Europe and is responsible for a turnover of some 72 billion euros. The reduced costs of offshore installations and their profitability place wind in a leading position on the political and economic agendas of many EU member states.
As such, up-to-date information and being able to exchange expertise and innovations with other key stakeholders across the industry is essential. A collaborative approach and networking within the wind energy sector are what place it at the cutting edge of modern energy needs. And what will secure that position well into the future. The meeting place for the coming weeks will be WindEurope 2019, organised by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) in Denmark.
The purpose of the event is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, both from important industry leaders and renowned specialists. It will also be an opportunity to showcase our products and services, in addition to discussing our work with some of the most prominent stakeholders in the entire supply chain, including Kimua.
Because we love sharing our experience and achievements with our partners and customers alike, and demonstrating the commitment of all our employees to constant improvement, innovation and leadership, we were proud to take part in the conference in Bilbao in early April. EWEA organised a meeting, in addition to WindEurope 2019 Copenhagen, at which we were able to share our key values with other attendees – the passion we pour into each and every project to achieve the best possible results.
This was led by our CEO, Iñaki Oreja, our Head of Projects, Luis Martín, as well as our Head of Sales, Lucas Mejía. Together with more than 8,500 attendees and 300 exhibitors from 50 countries, the Bilbao meeting confirmed that analysing, discussing and planning a wind energy roadmap should be one of our top priorities as industry leaders.
Something that will also be at the forefront of our minds in Denmark at the WindEurope Conference. Because we don’t just want to show others what we can do and how we manage to stay at the cutting-edge of logistics, transportation, lifting and engineering solutions. We also want to foster new strategic alliances that allow others to move hand-in-hand with the Kimua Group towards a future of energy sustainability whilst also leading a market that, in our home country of Spain in particular, is experiencing a fruitful awakening, full of opportunities and potential development paths.
Kimua Group “rail Live 2020” Kongresu birtualera konektatuko da abenduaren 1ean eta 2an, tren sektoreko aktore garrantzitsuenak bilduko dituen nazioarteko ekitaldira. Topaketa Madrilen bertan egitekoa bazen ere, Covid-19ren pandemiak eragindako egoera dela eta, telematikoki egingo da. Horrela, ugaritu egiten dira kongresu arrakastatsu bat antolatzeko aukerak, tren sektoreko enpresa garrantzitsuenak (nazionalak zein nazioartekoak) elkartzeko. Rail Live […]
Kimuak bat egingo du Wind Energy Hamburg 2020 topaketa digitalarekin, 2020ko abenduaren 1etik 4ra bitartean. Egun horietan, azoka % 100 digitalean egingo da Covid-19ren ondorioz, eta funtsezko topagune izango da sektore eolikoko enpresentzat. Wind Energy 2020 bi urtean behin egiten den azoka da, eta sektore eoliko eta energetikoko nazioarteko adituen arteko hitzaldiak eta eztabaidak eragiten […]
Developing industrially complex infrastructure projects always brings a wide variety of challenges. And handling and transporting large components is one of the most delicate. All the various components must be handled with precision, effectiveness and careful use of resources, above all, in terms of time, efficiency and safety. Properly designing tools for transporting heavy loads […]