A significant part of the train parts manufacturing process lies in transport logistics when assembling and moving various elements. Modern rail vehicles all contain bulky sections that need to be handled with the utmost care in order to avoid twisting their component materials.
Kimua gives you the tools and teams you need to transport these loads as safely and effectively as can be, paying close attention to optimising space and, naturally, costs.
Usually, the larger components of a train, such as the chassis and the carriage, are manufactured on custom steel platforms to control how they’re handled until being transferred to a second mounting platform, normally with the help of cranes and spreaders.
Other elements, such as wheels and axles, are more commonly manufactured as separate component parts that require minimal assembly work. Nonetheless, precisely handling these various elements is vital in ensuring their rigidity and to optimise cargo space during transport. To that end, companies today need dedicated transport solutions, such as frames and structures, that protect these delicate parts. These structures are known as racks and must be able to adapt to the shape and size of the various parts being transported.
The design of racks for transporting train parts is an art in itself and, in many cases, the success or failure of a project is determined by the quality of their construction. Saving money on materials or a lack of proper investment in time are mistakes that are all too often made.
Racks need to be designed to be vibration-proof and take into account any factors that may incur wear and tear, in addition to facilitating safe loading and unloading across the various modules. With this in mind, the design and construction of racks by Kimua ensure perfectly adapted frames to the exact dimensions of the parts being transported, along with the necessary stability to deal with irregular surfaces, as well as any changes in direction and speed.
Keeping everything compact is another factor to consider, since racks must be able to offer maximum flexibility in order to adapt to the freight transport services in use, providing space savings in confined areas. The ergonomics of the racks facilitates the handling of components without involving complex mechanisms, in turn, reducing the risk of accidents.
Taking all these factors into account means we can reduce transport times, make loading and unloading train parts much easier and make greater use of space, all the while offering significant reductions in cost and our shared environmental impact.
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Developing industrially complex infrastructure projects always brings a wide variety of challenges. And handling and transporting large components is one of the most delicate. All the various components must be handled with precision, effectiveness and careful use of resources, above all, in terms of time, efficiency and safety. Properly designing tools for transporting heavy loads […]