At Kimua, we work closely alongside our customers who install and develop wind energy facilities. Both onshore and offshore. As such, we understand the vital importance of proper environmental impact studies and how they can make all the difference when designing an ecologically responsible future.
Our products perfectly respond to this commitment to adopting all available measures to reduce our collective environmental impact as much as possible. That’s why our ARIN Box, a lifting and loading box, is subject to meticulous study to understand its entire environmental impact, from production all the way through to distribution and use.
By subjecting our product to a life-cycle assessment (LCA), we’re able to guarantee not only that it performs better than other alternatives available on the market, but also in both onshore and offshore environments. We can also guarantee it can extend its useful life efficiently, without any long-term damaging effect on its ecological footprint.
We chose to subject our ARIN Box to a life-cycle assessment (LCA) because this is one of the most comprehensive and exhaustive systems for evaluating environmental impact, and useful life that currently exists. An LCA involves collecting data that is studied for every production phase a product will go through, and not just those related to its own manufacture or assembly.
From the raw materials used and how they’re extracted all the way up until the way in which ARIN Boxes are distributed to our clients. Last but not least, LCAs also look at how our ARIN lifting and loading boxes are used on an everyday basis. With all this empirical information on the table, this particular loading solution for wind power facilities clearly demonstrates its benefits and lower environmental impact.
One part of the life-cycle analysis our ARIN Boxes are subjected to is a comparison of how they are used, compared with other lifting and loading solutions already on the market. This gives us reliable and measurable data on how their use has a direct impact on reducing environmental impact.
The main alternatives to ARIN Boxes are pallets and lifting bags. Both have their drawbacks, but none more so than when it comes to assessing their environmental impacts.
The alternative of using ARIN lifting and load boxes solves all these issues in one stroke, in particular when it comes to environmental impact.
Our philosophy perfectly matches that of our clients. That’s why we’ve made a firm commitment: adopting measures to reduce environmental impact is now a non-negotiable condition to working with them. Our ARIN lifting and load boxes are designed to make work easier and more efficient. But to also do their jobs without ever compromising the integrity of our precious environment, and its limited resources.
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