Berriak - Kimua Group: Onshore-Offshore Wind Power, Railway, Marine Energies, Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Big Machinery, Science.



Basajaun Testing Site: KIMUAk offshore energiaren aldeko apustua indartu du

KIMUAk Basajaun Testing Site merkaturatu du Pasaiako Portuan, itsasoko industria eolikoan igogailu-soluzioak probatzeko instalazioa.

17 February, 2025

Kimua “Rail Live 2020” hurrengo kongresu birtualera konektatu da

Kimua Group “rail Live 2020” Kongresu birtualera konektatuko da abenduaren 1ean eta 2an, tren sektoreko aktore garrantzitsuenak bilduko dituen nazioarteko ekitaldira. Topaketa Madrilen bertan egitekoa bazen ere, Covid-19ren pandemiak eragindako egoera dela eta, telematikoki egingo da. Horrela, ugaritu egiten dira kongresu arrakastatsu bat antolatzeko aukerak, tren sektoreko enpresa garrantzitsuenak (nazionalak zein nazioartekoak) elkartzeko. Rail Live […]

30 November, 2020

Kimua, Wind Energy Hamburg 2020 ekitaldi digitalean izango da

Kimuak bat egingo du Wind Energy Hamburg 2020 topaketa digitalarekin, 2020ko abenduaren 1etik 4ra bitartean. Egun horietan, azoka % 100 digitalean egingo da Covid-19ren ondorioz, eta funtsezko topagune izango da sektore eolikoko enpresentzat. Wind Energy 2020 bi urtean behin egiten den azoka da, eta sektore eoliko eta energetikoko nazioarteko adituen arteko hitzaldiak eta eztabaidak eragiten […]

30 November, 2020

We design tools for handling and transporting large components

Developing industrially complex infrastructure projects always brings a wide variety of challenges. And handling and transporting large components is one of the most delicate. All the various components must be handled with precision, effectiveness and careful use of resources, above all, in terms of time, efficiency and safety. Properly designing tools for transporting heavy loads […]

13 November, 2020

Sustainability, renting lifting and transport tools

Any major installation or project requires a considerable amount of advance planning. Within this planning, it’s not just economic factors or deadlines and implementation phases that come into play. Nowadays, environmental sustainability is a crucial element. To contribute to a lower environmental impact, sustainability factors have to be taken into account, including – among others […]

6 August, 2020

This is how we measure the environmental impact of the ARIN Box

At Kimua, we work closely alongside our customers who install and develop wind energy facilities. Both onshore and offshore. As such, we understand the vital importance of proper environmental impact studies and how they can make all the difference when designing an ecologically responsible future. Our products perfectly respond to this commitment to adopting all […]

4 August, 2020

Together with IHOBE, Kimua develops the ‘Arin Box’ eco-design project

¿Did you know that Kimua has developed the Arin Box eco-design box project? A line of ultra-light boxes designed for lifting special loads in the wind sector. By introducing this technology, and together with the help of IHOBE (the Basque government’s company for environmental management), the aim is to encourage new and innovative approaches from […]

25 May, 2020

Arin Box includes features to reduce environmental footprint

Our environmental footprint and the impact of industry on Earth are clear. As such, offering products that have been specifically designed with eco-design principles embedded, and that allow us to calculate our environmental footprint – either directly or indirectly – are vital. Only in this way will it be possible to promote sustainability and greater […]

11 May, 2020

Applying principles of the circular economy to cargo handling tools

It’s hardly a stretch of the imagination to say we may be living through the final chapter of a productive and industrial system underpinned by linearity. Everything around us is showing signs of exhaustion because of our endless producing and consuming. And that also goes for the way we understand our economy and our impact […]

7 May, 2020

Designed lifting tools for the rail sector

Given the wide variety of options and requirements when handling heavy loads across the rail sector, at Kimua, we design and manufacture modern loading equipment and lifting spreaders, all specially adapted to the needs of the modern business. Here, we’ll show you just some of the advantages that custom designed lifting tools can offer, as well […]

3 March, 2020

What is a load handling course?

Everyone who works with industrial equipment must make sure they’re properly prepared to look after their health and safety in the workplace. This is true for all load handling operations, whether done manually, using forklifts or lifts. Taking part in a load handling course guarantees you’ll learn everything you need to know about working safely, so take […]

28 February, 2020

Discover how offshore wind turbines are put together

Planning and assembling offshore wind turbines can be a real challenge due to the harsh weather conditions, the diversity of the composition of the seabed and a whole range of other technical and logistical factors that can hinder the process. It’s important to have the right technology in place when installing the various sections of […]

25 February, 2020

Optimising the cost of transporting train parts

A significant part of the train parts manufacturing process lies in transport logistics when assembling and moving various elements. Modern rail vehicles all contain bulky sections that need to be handled with the utmost care in order to avoid twisting their component materials. Kimua gives you the tools and teams you need to transport these […]

20 February, 2020

The challenge of transporting offshore wind turbines

Transitioning to wind energy is one of the most viable ways to reduce our environmental impact. Besides plans to increase our reliance on wind power, the development of support tools and transporting offshore wind turbines will be crucial in making decisions at logistics and planning levels in such complex environments as wind energy. Installing offshore […]

17 February, 2020

What are offshore wind farms and what are they for?

Offshore wind farms provide a clean and renewable source of energy that takes advantage of the wind in areas far off the coast. The wind reaches higher and more constant speeds here due to the absence of any natural barriers. These farms represent a firm commitment to meeting the growing demand for renewable energy sources […]

16 January, 2020

What is a CE marking on machinery and how is it achieved?

Nowadays, lots of products have to achieve a CE marking before they can be bought and sold within the European Economic Area. This mark is the symbol that proves a product meets a series of health, safety and environmental protection standards. Here, we’ll explain exactly what a CE marking on appliances and machinery actually means, […]

16 January, 2020

Kimua Group takes part in an EU rail industry R&D programme

The rail industry is vitally important for the economic development of any country or region. Acutely aware of this, the European Union have funded a knowledge exchange programme with an international focus to help leading companies from the rail sectors of Member States travel to Japan, one of the world’s most recognised leading countries in […]

18 November, 2019

Kimua Group to attend WindEurope 2019 in Copenhagen

Wind energy is set to meet the needs of a quarter of Europe by 2030. As such, it represents one of the core strengths of the global energy market for the European Union and will continue to do so for a very long time indeed. In fact, 44% of new power stations opened across the […]

1 November, 2019

At KIMUA we are constantly looking for improvement, at all scales, and we knew we owed you this, a NEW WEBSITE.

At KIMUA we are constantly looking for improvement, at all scales, and we knew we owed you this, a new website, easier to understand and that would allow you to get in touch with us in an easier way. KIMUA has evolved a lot during last years so we also owed us a new website […]

31 October, 2019

Kimua Group Exhibiting at ICOE 2018 (France)

Renewable Energies are rooted deep inside Kimua’s DNA and Marine Energy Industry is not an exception. We have been following this industry for a long time, celebrating the achievements it has made so far and supporting it until the commercialisation stage it has finally reached. For all these reasons and also because we believe that even today there is still […]

31 October, 2019

KIMUA in the Latest Issue of Wave & Tidal

As part of the interesting analysis about the huge potential the Basque Country has in terms of development and implementation of marine energies, you’ll find an abstract about KIMUA’s capabilities and what it has to offer to this ascending industry in the latest issue of Wave & Tidal. The article focuses on how KIMUA is extrapolating […]

31 October, 2019

KIMUA and MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY have made a joint study on fatigue life prediction in welded joints.

KIMUA and Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa (MGEP) have presented together the results obtained from a study on fatigue life prediction in welded joints, focused on searching alternatives for optimizing engineering designs that allow a reduction of associated manufacturing costs of producing transport frames destined to be used in heavy cargo sea shipping. The study started with the analysis […]

31 October, 2019